Tuesday, December 21, 2010

December What?!

Can I just ask on question? What in Gods name happened to December?!?! I feel like I went to bed last night and it was Thanksgiving, and when I woke up this morning it was December 21. Its like a terrible prank or something. So needless to say, I will be one of the shmucks at the mall tomorrow night finishing my Christmas shopping- and by finishing I mean getting something for everyone in my life besides my dog. I saw an extra large breed Redskins jersey for him. Extra large breed things are harder to find than you would think, so I haaad to get it. That was about three weeks ago, because I had "plenty of time" to do Christmas shopping. I will tell you what, if I wasn't so scared of having my identity stolen, I would do all of my shopping online. Whats up with people anyways, why would anyone want to be me, I mean I live paycheck to paycheck, I am not set up to inherit anything, generally speaking, I wouldn't steal my identity. If you insist on being a thief, at least don't be lazy about it. Well it is late, and I am clearly very tired. This post of nothing but rambling pretty much proves that. I hope everyone has a great holiday! Good night!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

One pitful of online classes

So I think it is safe to say that last night I was FREAKING out. I was trying to log in to my anatomy class to take my midterm from about seven in the evening until 12. I was so scared that I was not going to be able to take it. I emailed my advisor and our teacher, and everything is OK. I can take the test tomorrow evening, but I was scared. I had never experienced a tech problem like that before. This is also why I did one of my discussion responses and my blog a day late. I hope that this is just a one time thing, where I am not able to log in for a whole night. I don't have too much to say tonight because I am tired and I had a long day. I hope everyone is having a good week!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Plagerism- Just Say No

I don't agree with plagiarism ever, even in grounded classes. It is dishonest. However, for someone who is taking classes online and committing plagiarism.. I have one question, how did you get cheaper tuition that I did? I can not see spending the money that we are spending to be back in school just to copy someone elses work. You don't learn anything by simply regurgitating someone elses thoughts. Yes, obviously for research we are taking other peoples work and using it to make our arguments, but you learn much more by paraphrasing something rather than just quoting someone the whole time. If you force yourself to read the information and then re-word it you are absorbing more of the information. Also, you can copy a paper that says that you understand how to fix a transmission, but if you use that paper to land a job at the best mechanic shop in town, what are you going to do when someone needs to to fix their transmission? If you copied all of your work, you never actually learned how to do it. You just turned in a bunch of bull crap that tricked people into thinking that you could. Plagiarism just isn't worth it too me. It is dishonest and could get you kicked out of school. Even if you pass your degree would be worthless because you didn't actually learn anything. Have fun with your paper and just do your own work, it will be way more gratifying that way.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Snoot full of Peanut Butter.

I guess I should start off by explaining my title. I have a very jealous 110 lb. American Bulldog, who is jealous over anything getting our attention, even a lap top computer. So when I am in class or tying to get some school work done, I have to full up a toy, called a cong, with peanut butter to keep him busy. So now, I have this huge dog here next to me on the floor, that sounds like a man with sleep apnea, trying to get every last tiny bit of peanut butter out of this thing. It keeps him busy for a while, but it makes me laugh every time. That being said, lets talk about Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is never as fun for someone with divorced parents. I would love to just be able to go to one or two houses and just relax. Instead, we make 3 to 4 stops on Thanksgiving. We stay in one place just long enough to get full and then get right back into the car and go to the next house. When I start having kids, I think Kev and I will start making our own memories, at home, in one place. Then our parents can all come to us for a change. As hectic as this holiday has become for me, I still love seeing friends and family, and eating all day is never a bad deal in my book either. Thanks for visiting my blog, I hope everyone had as nice of a Thanksgiving Holiday as I did.

Monday, November 22, 2010

New Blogger

Hello everyone, and welcome to my blog! So, if you are reading this and you are not in my English class at Kaplan, I am sorry. I am sorry, because you are probably reading blogs because you enjoy reading what other bloggers have to say. Well, I am a beginner and I have no idea what to write about. So if you are looking for a blog that will make you laugh, make you think, or change your life then you clicked on the wrong link my friend. What you are reading right now is my third attempt at this blog post. What do people look for in a blog? Should I pick a topic and go for it? Do I vent about things that really grind my gears? I am open to any suggestions for next time. Thanks for visiting, ya'll come on back now!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Test Post.

I really just wanted to see if my design was going to work. Real blog to come later :0)