Monday, November 29, 2010

Snoot full of Peanut Butter.

I guess I should start off by explaining my title. I have a very jealous 110 lb. American Bulldog, who is jealous over anything getting our attention, even a lap top computer. So when I am in class or tying to get some school work done, I have to full up a toy, called a cong, with peanut butter to keep him busy. So now, I have this huge dog here next to me on the floor, that sounds like a man with sleep apnea, trying to get every last tiny bit of peanut butter out of this thing. It keeps him busy for a while, but it makes me laugh every time. That being said, lets talk about Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is never as fun for someone with divorced parents. I would love to just be able to go to one or two houses and just relax. Instead, we make 3 to 4 stops on Thanksgiving. We stay in one place just long enough to get full and then get right back into the car and go to the next house. When I start having kids, I think Kev and I will start making our own memories, at home, in one place. Then our parents can all come to us for a change. As hectic as this holiday has become for me, I still love seeing friends and family, and eating all day is never a bad deal in my book either. Thanks for visiting my blog, I hope everyone had as nice of a Thanksgiving Holiday as I did.

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer, I know what you mean by divorced parents. Actually I am a divorced parent. My ex and I still keep in contact and my son hops back and forth on holidays. He has always told me that he doesn't want to be in the same shoes as us when he grows up and both of us have told him that he needs to take his time and not marry the first person that comes along like we did. I also caught the name of your boyfriend/husband?, my fiance's name is Kevin as well and I call him Kev. He's my giant that I call shorty. He's 6'9 and i'm only 5'1 if my hair is fluffy that day, lol. I gave him that nickname about 5 yrs. before we got together, we worked at the same place and we became the best of friends. So looks like lucky me is going to marry my best friend someday,(still haven't set a date, no rush since i've been there done that), and the guys at work to this day still call him shorty. My father calls him by his nickname now as well and I have to laugh every time. Black friday was a nightmare and i'm just that hard core of a shopper to be out there and roll with the punches. Now I just need to work off all the turkey that i've eaten.
