Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Plagerism- Just Say No

I don't agree with plagiarism ever, even in grounded classes. It is dishonest. However, for someone who is taking classes online and committing plagiarism.. I have one question, how did you get cheaper tuition that I did? I can not see spending the money that we are spending to be back in school just to copy someone elses work. You don't learn anything by simply regurgitating someone elses thoughts. Yes, obviously for research we are taking other peoples work and using it to make our arguments, but you learn much more by paraphrasing something rather than just quoting someone the whole time. If you force yourself to read the information and then re-word it you are absorbing more of the information. Also, you can copy a paper that says that you understand how to fix a transmission, but if you use that paper to land a job at the best mechanic shop in town, what are you going to do when someone needs to to fix their transmission? If you copied all of your work, you never actually learned how to do it. You just turned in a bunch of bull crap that tricked people into thinking that you could. Plagiarism just isn't worth it too me. It is dishonest and could get you kicked out of school. Even if you pass your degree would be worthless because you didn't actually learn anything. Have fun with your paper and just do your own work, it will be way more gratifying that way.

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