Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bitter Sweet Good Bye

Well, this is it, our last assigned post! I gotta say, it is really not that bitter. I really liked this class and the people in it, but it was a ton of work. I just finished my anatomy final, and I am going to miss that. I have always loved science, and this was my last anatomy class. I guess that just means I am one class closer to graduating. I wish everyone the best of luck with the rest of your classes! Maybe I will have a class or two with some of you in the future! TaTa for now!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Oooh my..

So we are at the end of the term! I can not believe that it went that fast. I think that I might keep up on my blog. I kinda like writing on here. It is kinda like a diary, but if someone reads it, they don't know me so it isn't embarrassing. I am proud to say that I am ELATED to be done with the research paper. While I know that it will probably not be my last paper here at Kaplan, I will just be happy if this one is done. There is something about a research paper that is so stressful. Well I don't have much to say this evening, so I am going to go. I hope everyone has a lovely last week of class!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

To blog, or not to blog?

I am not sure how I feel about blogging. I think that I like it. Sometimes I really just want to cut loose and really write on my blog. Maybe after this class, I will really let go and write what I feel. I hope to be able to keep up with it. I am getting married five months from tomorrow and I am feeling the time crunch haha. Maybe I can use it as a diary for the trials and tribulations of the last five months of planning a wedding. I hope everyone has a great last two weeks of class and that everyone has enjoyed reading my posts as much as I have enjoyed reading all of yours! Have a great week!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Contructive Criticism and Just Plain Criticising- There IS a Difference

I used to be so worried about offending someone when doing a peer to peer review. I have had some not so constructive criticism on school work in the past (not anyone at Kaplan ;0) ). It can cause someone to become discouraged when they are trying to re-write their paper after some harsh criticism. The more writing classes that I took, and the more peer t peer reviews we had to do, I learned that there is a very fine line between trying to help and just plain nit picking. You may not like someones topic, or their style of writing, but one thing we all have to remember is that not everyone has had the same educational ease that you may have. I for one usually did very well in school, everything but math came easily to me. So if I was reviewing a paper that had a ton of spelling mistakes, instead of pointing out every little word that is mis-spelled, you could just politely say "hey I noticed some spelling mistakes, so you may want to use spell check or have a parent or friend that is good with spelling take a look at it" That way, you are bringing it to their attention so that they do not leave it that way and get points taken off, but you have not been a butt head and made them feel uncomfortable by pointing out every little thing. As the person being reviewed, you also have to remember that the point of peer review is to get hp on your weak spots. No one wants to rip your paper apart looking for mistakes, it was an assignment, and we are all trying to help each other. So when peer reviewing this week, just remember that everyone has feelings and that we should review each others papers with the same respect that you want from the person reviewing your paper. Happy New Year to all!